Research Opportunities

For postdoc-seekers

MS Students

Interested students should apply for admission to the Texas State Chemistry Department ( Be sure to note interest in the Luxford group and chemistry education research in the personal statement. If you have any questions about the MS program, feel free to contact Dr. Luxford.

Undergraduate Students

Interested students should send an email to Dr. Luxford. Undergraduate research can be conducted for course credit, or as a paid position (depending upon availability of funds).

Skills Gained Through CER Research

Students in the Luxford Research Group will:

~Read scientific journal articles
~Be placed on a project that fits their future interests~Develop an understanding for the evolving nature of research
~Collaborate with other researchers
~Gain skills in developing interview guides, surveys, and/or classroom materials
~Learn how to analyze qualitative and/or quantitative data using various software   packages (i.e., NVivo, Stata, SPSS, Excel)
~Gain experience in developing and giving oral presentations through group meetings

Chemistry Education Research