Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
12) An, J., Guzman, G., Brooks, A., To, K., Vu, L., & Luxford, C. J. (2022). Cluster Analysis of Learning Approaches and Course Achievement of General Chemistry Students at a Hispanic Serving Institution. Journal of Chemical Education, 99(2), 669–677. Link to Article
11) Lewis, K. A., & Luxford, C. J. (2020). Integrating Manipulatives and Animations to Visualize Holliday Junctions. CourseSource, 7. Link to Article
10) Trate, J., Teichert, M., Murphy, K., Srinivasan, S., Luxford, C. J., & Schneider, J. (2020). Remote Interview Methods in Chemical Education Research. Journal of Chemical Education, 97, 2421–2429. Link to Article
9) Dick-Perez, M.; Luxford, C.; Windus, T.; Holme, T. “A Quantum Chemistry Concept Inventory for Physical Chemistry Classes,” J. Chem. Educ., 2016, 93(4), 605-612. Link to Article
8) Holme, T.A.; Luxford, C.J.; Brandriet, A. “Defining Conceptual Understanding in General Chemistry,” J. Chem. Educ., 2015, 92 (9), pp 1477–1483 (ACS Editors Choice Article). Link to Article
7) Holme, T.; Luxford, C.; Murphy, K. “Updating the General Chemistry Anchoring Concepts Content Map,” J. Chem. Educ., 2015, 92(6), 1115–1116. Link to Article
6) Luxford, C.J.; Holme, T.A. “What do conceptual holes in assessment say about the topics we teach?” J. Chem. Educ., 2015, 92(6), 993–1002. Link to Article
5) Luxford, C.J.; Linenberger, K.J.; Raker, J.R.; Baluyut, J.Y.; Reed, J.J.; De Silva, C.; Holme, T.A. “Building a Historical Database Using ACS General Chemistry Exams as Artifacts.,” J. Chem. Educ., 2015, 92(2), 230–236. Link to Article
4) Luxford, C.J.; Bretz, S.L. “Development of the Bonding Representations Inventory to Identify Student Misconceptions about Covalent and Ionic Bonding Representations,” J. Chem. Educ., 2014, 91(3), 312–320 (ACS Editors Choice Article). Link to Article
3) Luxford, C.J.; Bretz, S.L. “Moving beyond definitions: What student-generated models reveal about their understanding of covalent bonding and ionic bonding,” Chem. Educ, Res. Pract., 2013, 14, 214–222. Link to Article
2) Luxford, C.J.; Crowder, M.W.; Bretz, S.L. “Creating an inorganic symmetry POGIL activity,” Chem. Educ., 2012, 89(2), 211–214. Link to Article
1) Herrington, D.G.; Yezierski, E.J.; Luxford, K.M.; Luxford, C.J. “Target inquiry: Changing chemistry high school teachers’ beliefs about inquiry instruction and their classroom practice,” Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2011, 12, 74–84. Link to Article
Book Chapters:
4) Daniel, K.L.; Luxford, C.J. (2023). Building your personal pitch using a message framework. In Teaching Science Students to Communicate: A Practical Guide. Springer.
3) Reed, J.J.; Luxford, C.J.; Holme, T.A.; Raker, J.R.; Murphy, K.L. (In press) Using the ACS Anchoring Concepts Content Map (ACCM) to aid in the evaluation and development of ACS general chemistry exam items. In Technology and Assessment Strategies for Improving Student Learning in Chemistry. Schultz, M., Ed.; ACS Symposium Series 1235, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 2016, pp179-194. Link to Article
2) Luxford, C.; Holme, T. How do Chemistry Educators View Items that Test Conceptual Understanding? In Technology and Assessment Strategies for Improving Student Learning in Chemistry. Schultz, M., Ed.; ACS Symposium Series 1235, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 2016, pp195-210. Link to Article
1) Holme, T; Emenike, M.; Hughes, S.; Linenberger, K.; Luxford, C.; Raker, J. Are Content Tests All the Assessment We Need? In Sputnik to Smartphones: A Half-Century of Chemistry Education. Orna, M.V., Ed.; ACS Symposium Series 1208, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 2015, pp 257-275. Link to Article
Conference Presentations and Posters (*Texas State Undergraduates)
62) Nsubuga, T.*, Luxford, C. J., (2022, Poster). 2022 TxSt CoSE Summer Research Symposium, “Creating General Chemistry Student Profiles Using Self-Reported Inventories,” Texas State University.
61) Luxford, C. J., Gartman, E.*, Lewis, K. A. ( 2022). American Chemical Society National Meeting, “Comparing organic and biochemistry students approaches to identifying nucleophiles and electron movement,” San Diego, CA. .
60) Luxford, C. J. (2022). American Chemical Society National Meeting, “Going beyond memorized answers: Using semi-structured interviews to elicit student misconceptions,” San Diego, CA.
59) Feng, L. (Presenter), Close, E. W., Luxford, C. J., Olmstead, A. R., Galloway, H. C. (2022). Assessing the Responses of Education Finance and Policy to the Dual Pandemic of COVID-19 and Racial Injustice, “Learning to Teach: The Impact of Learning Assistant Model on Retention Rates, College Completion Rates, and STEM Labor Market Outcomes,” The Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP), Denver, CO, United States.
58) Lanza, J.*, Luxford, C. J. (2021, poster). 2021 Southwest Regional Conference, “Exploring the differences between first-generation and non-first-generation chemistry students approaches to learning chemistry,” American Chemical Society, Austin, TX.
57) Piedra, E.*, Luxford, C. J. (2021, poster). 2021 Southwest Regional Conference, “Through the eyes of students: What I wish I had known when I was taking chemistry,” American Chemical Society, Austin, TX.
56) Gartman, E.*, Lewis, K. A., Luxford, C. J. (2021, poster). 2021 Southwest Regional Conference, “Using eye-tracking to provide insight on students’ abilities to identify nucleophiles and electron movement within serine protease mechanisms,” American Chemical Society, Austin, TX.
55) Coral, N.*, Torres, E.* (Presenter), Gutierrez, M.*, Zimmer, D.*, Johnson, M.*, Luxford, C. J. (2021). 2021 Southwest Regional Meeting, “Chem Cats: Student-led chemistry tutoring program at Texas State University,” American Chemical Society, Austin, TX.
54) Scheurs, D., Murphy, K., Teichert, M., Luxford, C. J., Schneider, J (2021). American Chemical Society National Meeting, “Search for the optimal measurement of student chemistry ability using multiple-choice assessments,” GA.
53) An, J., Tuvilla, M., Olmstead, A. R., Luxford, C. J., Close, E. W., Feng, L., Koka, V. S. S., Turpen, C., Galloway, H. C. (2021). Transforming Institutions 2021 Virtual Conference, “Creating culturally responsive STEM learning environments through community building at an HSI,” ASCN, Virtual.
52) An, J., Tuvilla, M., Olmstead, A. R., Luxford, C. J., Close, E. W., Feng, L., Koka, V. S. S., Galloway, H. C. (2021). X-DBER 2021 Conference, “A team-based approach to building inclusive and equitable STEM learning environments at a Hispanic Serving Institution,” Virtual.
51) Feng, L., Close, E. W., Luxford, C. J., An, J. (Author), Olmstead, A. R. , Tuvilla, M. R., Galloway, H. C., Koka, V. S. S., (2021, poster). Association for Education Finance and Policy 46th Annual Conference, “Transforming Undergraduate STEM Education: An Exploratory Analysis of the Learning Assistant Model and Student Outcomes,” Association for Education Finance and Policy, Virtual.
50) Luxford, C. J. (2021, invited), ESCALA: Increasing Latinx Student Success, “Investigating the Impact of Positive Feedback and Growth Mindset on General Chemistry Students in a Pandemic World,” Faculty Development, Texas State University, Virtual.
49) Olmstead, A. R., Close, E. W., Tuvilla, M. R., Gutmann, B. N., Ochoa-Madrid, E. K., An, J., Luxford, C. J., Feng, L., Galloway, H. C., (2021, invited). 2021 American Association of Physics Teacher Winter Meeting, “Practical Recommendations for Cultivating Sustained STEM Instructional Change at HSIs,” American Association of Physics Teachers, Virtual.
48) Thompson, A. N., Olmstead, A. R., Sachmpazidi, D., Luxford, C. J., Beach, A., Henderson, C., 2020 Virtual Conference on Transforming STEM Higher Education, “Instructional Change Teams: An Exploratory Model,” American Association of Colleges and Universities, Virtual. (November 6, 2020).
47) Lopez, F.*, Luxford, C. J. (2020, poster). Annual Undergraduate Research Conference, “Exploring the Validity of the Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory as a Measurement of Success for General Chemistry Students,” Texas State University, San Marcos, TX.
46) Guzman-Joyce, G.*, Luxford, C. J. (2020, poster). Annual Undergraduate Research Conference, “Stability of Student Learning Approaches and Impact on Student Success in General and Organic Chemistry,” Texas State University, San Marcos, TX.
45) Barnes, M.*, Luxford, C. J. (2020, poster). Undergraduate Research Conference, “Between and within: Biochemistry and general chemistry students’ classification of attractions,” Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, United States.
44) Barnes, M.*, Luxford, C. J. (2020, poster). ACS Spring 2020 National Meeting, “Between and within: Biochemistry and general chemistry students’ classification of attractions,” Philadelphia, PA.
43) Roschmann, C.*, Luxford, C. J. (2020, poster). ACS Spring 2020 National Meeting, “If only I had known: Advice from past chemistry students to future chemistry students,” Philadelphia, PA.
42) Danhof, C.*, Luxford, C. J. (2020, poster). Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Conference, “Bearing the Barriers of Giving Students Feedback: Capturing Perceptions from General Chemistry Instructors,” Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, United States.
41) Roschmann, C.*, Luxford, C. J. (2020, poster). Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Conference, “If only I had known: Advice from past chemistry students to future chemistry students,” Texas State University, San Marcos, TX.
40) Barnes, M.*, Luxford, C. J. (2020, poster). Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Conference, “Between and within: Biochemistry and general chemistry students’ classification of attractions,” Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, United States.
39) Lewis, K. A., Toner, C. M., Luxford, C. J., Transforming Undergraduate Education in the Molecular Life Sciences, “Let’s Do The Twist: An Affordable Manipulative for Visualizing Holliday Junctions,” (2019, invited). American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, TX, United States.
38) Olmstead, A. R., Close, E. W., Ochoa-Madrid, E. K., Luxford, C. J., Feng, L., Galloway, H. C. (2019, poster). 2019 Texas State HSI week & 2019 International Learning Assistant Conference, “Creating faculty-student communities for culturally relevant institutional change at Texas State.”
37) Brooks, A.*, Luxford, C. J. (2019, poster). Second Annual Texas State University Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, “Role of Study Habits on Student Success in General Chemistry Courses,” Texas State University, San Marcos.
36) Olmstead, A. R., Close, E., Feng, L., Luxford, C., Galloway, H. (2019, invited). International Learning Assistant Research Symposium and Conference, “Creating faculty-student communities for culturally relevant institutional change,” University of Colorado-Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States.
35) Teichert, M., Schneider, J., Ritchie, T., Trate, J., Murphy, K., Luxford, C. J. (2019). ACS Spring 2019 National Meeting, “Influence of delayed elaborative feedback on student performance and process with multiple-choice questions,” Orlando, FL.
34) Luxford, C. J. (2018, invited) Department of Biology Seminar Series, “Fostering student success in chemistry classes through study habits and visual representations,” Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, United States.
33) Luxford, C.J. (2018). “Learning to learn: Fostering student success in general chemistry,” 25th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, South Bend, IN.
32) Schneider, J.L., Trate, J., Luxford, C.J., Teichert, M.A., Thomas, T.S., Srinivasan, S., Murphy, K. (2018). “Expert approach versus student approach, validating partial credit assignments,” 25th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, South Bend, IN.
31) Castillo, N.*, Rangel, W.*, Luxford, C. J. (2018, poster). “Through the eyes of first-term general chemistry faculty: Role of test feedback,” Undergraduate Research Conference, Texas State University, San Marcos.
30) Eaton, T.*, Luxford, C. J. (2018, poster). “What do fixation and saccade patterns reveal about the visual attention, interpretations, and patterns of analyzing commonly used representations in chemistry,” Undergraduate Research Conference, Texas State University, San Marcos.
29) To, H.*, Luxford, C.J. (2018, poster). “The role of metacognitive awareness and student success in learning to study chemistry,” Chemistry and Biochemistry Colloquium, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX.
28) Rangel, W.*, Castillo, N.*, Luxford, C. J. (2018, poster). “Through the eyes of first-term general chemistry faculty: Role of test feedback,” Chemistry and Biochemistry Colloquium, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX.
27) Trate, J., Srinivasan, S., Thomas, T., Luxford, C., Schneider, J., Murphy, K. (2018). “Response process validity evidence of an immediate feedback assessment,”, 255th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
26) Trate, J., Luxford, C., Teichert, M., Schneider, J., Murphy, K. (2018, poster). “Remote interview methods,” 255th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
25) Luxford, C.J. (2017, poster). “Role of testing feedback: A preliminary look through the eyes of first-term general chemistry faculty,” 254th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC.
24) Luxford, C. J. (2017, invited). Chemistry Seminar Series, “From Concept to Assessment: Fostering Student Success,” Chemistry, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, TX.
23) Luxford, C.J. (2017, invited). “Incorporating research on misconceptions into the classroom through the development and use of concept inventories,” 253rd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
22) Luxford, C.J. (2017, invited). “Utilizing the Anchoring Concepts Content Map to track chemistry students’ concept development and retention rates in general chemistry and organic chemistry,” 253rd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
21) Luxford, C.J. (2016). “Metacognitive skills leading to student success in general chemistry and organic chemistry,” 24th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Boulder, CO.
20) Shaw, K.A.*; Luxford, C.J. (2016, poster). “Assessing students’ understanding of intermolecular forces through representations of small molecules and large biological structures,” 251st ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA.
19) Luxford, C.J.; Shaw, K.A.* (2016). “Using surveys and interviews to measure general chemistry and biochemistry students’ understanding of intermolecular forces,” 251st ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA.
18) Luxford, C.J.; Holme, T. (2015; poster). “Exploring the use of the Anchoring Concepts Content Map as a programmatic assessment tool,” 247th ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO.
17) Luxford, C.J.; Holme, T.A. (2015). “Constructing a consensus definition of conceptual understanding in chemistry from empirical data provided by instructors,” 247th ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO.
16) Holme, T.; Luxford, C. (2014). “Surveying the content landscape of General Chemistry via ACS Exams,” 248th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
15) Bretz, S.L.; Luxford, C.J. (2014). “Measuring Students’ Ideas about Covalent and Ionic Bonding with the Bonding Representations Inventory: Insights from Models and the Dangers of Definitions,” 248th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
14) Luxford, C.J.; Holme, T.A. (2014). “Defining the domain through a historical analysis of ACS general chemistry exams,” 23rd Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI.
13) Brigham, J.L.; Luxford, C.J.; Holme, T.A.; Ogilvie, C.A. (2014). “One strategy for monitoring and enhancing guided inquiry-based laboratory instruction,” 23rd Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI.
12) Dick-Perez, M.; Luxford, C.J.; Windus, T.L.; Holme, T. (2014). “Evaluating physical chemistry teaching methods using an original quantum chemistry concept inventory” 23rd Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Allendale, MI.
11) Holme, T.; Luxford, C. (2014). “Identifying Conceptual Understanding in General Chemistry,” International Conference on Chemical Education, Toronto, Canada.
10) Luxford, C.J.; Holme, T.A. (2013; poster). “General chemistry faculty perceptions of assessing students’ conceptual understanding,” 245th ACS National Meeting, Dallas, TX.
9) Luxford, C.J.; Bretz, S.L. (2013). “Measuring students’ understandings of covalent and ionic bonding representations with the Bonding Representations Inventory (BRI),” 244th ACS National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
8) Luxford, C.J.; Bretz, S.L. (2012). “Student Understanding of bonding as measured by the Bonding Representations Inventory,” 22nd Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
7) Luxford, C.J.; Bretz, S.L. (2012; poster). “Multiple representations of covalent and ionic bonding: Development of a concept inventory,” 243rd ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA.
6) Luxford, C.; Bretz, S.L. (2011; poster). “Using multiple representations to reveal students’ ideas about bonding,” Gordon Research Conference: Chemistry Education Research and Practice, Davidson College, Davidson, NC.
5) Luxford, C.J.; Bretz, S.L. (2011; poster). “Using multiple representations to reveal students’ ideas about bonding,” 2nd Chemistry Education Research Conference, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
4) Luxford, C.J.; Bretz, S.L. (2011). “Unlocking Student Understanding of Representations,” 241st ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
3) Luxford, C.J.; Bretz, S.L. (2011). “Revealing student knowledge of chemical bonding through use of multiple representations,” 241st ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
2) Luxford, C.J.; Bretz, S.L. (2010). “Investigating representational competence with respect to chemical bonding,” 21st Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, University of Northern Texas, Denton, TX.
1) Luxford, C.J.; Crowder, M.W.; Bretz, S.L. (2010; poster). “Creating an inorganic POGIL symmetry activity,” 239th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA.